There are many ways to support SCQ including but not limited to:
- Becoming a Member
- Making a Donation
- Volunteering
- Joining the Board
- Other Supporting Roles
- Grants and Other Funding
There are many roles that make up the team of people behind SCQ and the competitions we run.
Board Positions
SCQ is composed of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and a minimum of five general board members. SCQ can not function legally without these positions. Board members meet monthly to discuss, manage, and uphold SCQ’s mission and vision. SCQ’s annual AGM in September is where these positions are filled.
Supporting Roles and Positions
Many roles come together to make events happen and to keep SCQ running and we can always use the extra help.
Event Roles
Event Coordinator
The event coordinator is responsible for ensuring all event related tasks are executed. Tasks include meetings with facilities, debriefs, registration portal, t-shirt orders, promotional material and making sure volunteer coordinator and route setter liaison are on track.
This position is currently filled
Volunteer Coordinator
The volunteer coordinator responsibilities include contacting volunteers in the lead up to SCQ sanctioned events and taking care of volunteer tasks on competition day. The volunteer coordinator will contact volunteers who have signed up through SignUp Genious. Once confirmed, the volunteer coordinator remind volunteers of their sessions and if there are any training sessions. The volunteer coordinator will communicate with the Head Judge, Jury President, and Belay Coordinator before and during events. During events the volunteer coordinator will sign in volunteers and ensure volunteers are well looked after on the event day (food, water, etc). This role also involves maintaining records of volunteer training and assessment.
Apply here: Volunteer Coordinator Application
Route Setter Liaison
The route setter liaison is responsible for recruiting route setters and managing the team for each state event, including accommodation. The liaison will communicate with SCQ, facilities, and setters.
Apply here: Route Setter Liaison Application
Supporting Roles
Head Coach
The Head Coach helps manage and train the youth state team. It is expected the Head Coach will run the training camps for the year. The Head Coach attends State Youth events and the Youth Nationals. The Head Coach will work in accordance with the morals and ethics of Sport Climbing Queensland.
This position is currently filled
Assistant Coach
The Assistant Coach will help the Head Coach with the above tasks. It is expected the Assistant Coach will attend all training camps and State/National events. The Assistant Coach will work in accordance with the morals and ethics of Sport Climbing Queensland.
This position is currently filled
Team Manager
The Team Manager is responsible for contacting athletes on their selection, communicating to athletes the details of training camps and National events, and uniform requirements. It is expected that the team manager will attend events with athletes (capped expenses reimbursed), and be responsible for lodging appeals during events. The Team Manager will work in accordance with the morals and ethics of Sport Climbing Queensland.
This position is currently filled
Assistant Team Manager
`The Assistant team manager will help the Team Manager with the above tasks. The Assistant Team Manager will work in accordance with the morals and ethics of Sport Climbing Queensland.
This position is currently filled
Social Media
SCQ’s current social media platforms are facebook and instagram. These platforms are the primary source of where SCQ communicates with its members and general public. SCQ is looking for someone who will post regularly about SCQ including promotion of events, sponsors and facility members, reminders of key dates, COVID updates, and other climbing news. This person should also have a drive for creative photo content for our instagram account and is expected to post very heavily on stories during competitions.
This position is currently filled
Grant Writer
As a non-for-profit organisation SCQ heavily relies on grants to further our sport and visions. We are looking for someone who can find new grants and apply for them.
Apple here: Grant Writer
As a growing sport we require someone who can manage our day to day enquiries. Other tasks include the creation and sending out a monthly newsletter.
Apply here: Administration
Grants and Other Funding
As a not for profit organisation Sport Climbing Queensland relies on grants from sporting bodies, Government and private funding bodies for support.
Special thanks to the State of Queensland, acting through the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport providing a grant for the purchasing of equipment to elevate our competitions, creating a better experience for both athletes and volunteers
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